How do I invite colleagues to my mining company account?

If you're a company admin user, login to Digbee and navigate to your ‘Manage Team’ page to invite new team members to your Digbee mining company account.

If you would like your colleague(s) to have permission to edit everything (including all ESG submissions) for your mining company account on Digbee, select ‘Admin’ as their corporate role when you are inviting them.

If you want to invite colleagues to your team but only want to grant them limited access, select ‘Editor’ as their role when you are inviting them. Editors can edit your organisation’s profile on Digbee, but will not be able to manage your company’s team on Digbee. Editors are also not able to access all ESG submissions for your company’s account on Digbee unless expressly invited from the ESG submission itself.

Watch a tutorial.