What is published once my Digbee ESG Submission has been scored?

For your inaugural submission you can choose your level of score transparency from two options:

Option 1 (Default): Scores hidden for 12 months. Your corporate profile on Digbee will indicate that you have successfully completed an independent assessment, without showing any actual scores. We will state the date on which the inaugural submission’s scores will become public.

Option 2: Full publication. Your corporate profile on Digbee will show the submission’s overall score, corporate questionnaire and project questionnaire(s) scores, overarching pros and cons for the submission and all the company and project positives and negatives outlined in your ESG Report. In the future we will publish the scores awarded per question but without your actual responses, evidence or supporting narrative.

For your second and subsequent submissions, once you have received your ESG Report and we have completed the debrief call with you, your submission scores will be ‘fully’ published (Option 2) on your Digbee corporate profile.

View published Digbee ESG assessments